The Love Lab recently got an early Christmas research present when Mitacs Snow bunting post-doc Dr. Emily McKinnon teamed up with long-term CSBN bander Mr. David Lamble (pictured with a tagged bunting) at his Fergus banding site to deploy 20 new avian nano-tags on wintering Snow buntings using the widespread MOTUS tracking network. Emily began the successful pilot project last year by deploying 20 units near Bird Studies Canada headquarters in Port Rowan, Ontario. With the early winter in SW Ontario, Emily and David were able to get a great start this winter on tracking the real-time, fine-scale movement patterns of individual birds as they respond to varying weather conditions. The project aims to reveal how the species makes behavioural decisions about optimal wintering locations in response to both regular and extreme weather events, as well as track the timing of migration through Québec, to Newfoundland/Labrador and onto breeding grounds in Western Greenland in the Spring. Well done guys!